Orthopedist Questions Wrist pain

Wrist pain

I have outer wrist pain. My wrist pops a lot when I press on the outer part when my wrist/hand meets. The popping hurts. It’s been going on for about two months and it is starting to hurt worse. Some days are better some days are worst. Wrist pain when flexing my wrist back and I get the worst pain with twisting my wrist outward. What could it be? I am a division 1 volleyball player.

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Medications: none
Conditions: none

3 Answers

It sounds like an injury to the triangular cartilage ligament. You need to see a hand surgeon. And get an MRI of your wrist to assess the situation.
Instability of the wrist of some sort. Consult an orthopedic hand/wrist surgeon.
Good day and thanks for sharing your wrist issue with the FATD community. Allow me to give you my thoughts, tips and suggestions.

Obtaining a thorough history and physical examination is paramount to understanding what you have the the best way to treat it. Was there ever a traumatic injury to the right wrist? Does it hurt while you are playing (bumping, serving, spiking, setting)?

Many athletes have overuse injuries. This means that your sport is stressing out and damaging the soft tissues around your wrist (from the mechanics of the sport and the forces going through your wrist during sporting activities). Without a big trauma or injury to the wrist, and with such a short duration of the symptoms, REST is the best answer. I know that is not easy to read if you a devoted and avid volleyball player.

Wearing a brace and not playing for 3-5 weeks will allow your soft tissues to heal and allow the inflammation to subside. If you play through the pain you may permanently tear some structures or damage the delicate surfaces of the many small bones in your wrist. And as a 19 year-old, and your dominant (maybe) wrist, I would recommend letting it rest and no undergo the twisting, impact, shearing and distracting forces it is susceptible to during volleyball.

During this time immobilization and gentle range of motion, with formal physical therapy, is worthwhile. If by 4 weeks or so, upon increasing the forces and work of the wrist, you still have a lot of painful noises and limited function, then an MRI scan would be medically necessary.

I hope this helps and sorry to read about your pain and encouraging you to rest and stop playing for a period of time.