“I have to undergo an abdominal surgery to remove blockages from my large intestine. What will recovery be like?”
I neeed to undergo an abdominal surgery. This is mainly to remove blockages from my large intestine. How long will it take for me to recover from this surgery?
4 Answers
I am not a surgeon and I don't know how complicated the surgery will be or if you have any comorbid conditions. All of these affect how quickly you will recover. In the best circumstances (young, straightforward surgery, no major chronic medical conditions), recovery should be about 3 days to regain GI function and start eating again. Of course it can take a lot longer depending on the circumstances.
It depends on how much intestines will need to be removed and what the cause of the blockages is. Please discuss in detail with your physician and surgeon.
For major abdominal surgery, such as a partial colectomy as you are describing, is about 2-4 weeks to recover about 80% and potentially 8-12 weeks to get back to baseline. Pain and wound healing depends on whether your surgery is being done via an open approach with a single large incision or a minimally invasive approach with several small incisions. The hardest part for most patients to recover from is gaining energy and appetite.