Gastroenterologist Questions Anal Fissure

About Fissure: treatment, Symptoms

Dear Sir/Mam,
I am Mohan from Salem Tamil Nadu, India, i got fissure surgery at last Thursday eve. Now slightly i get bleeding from that and pain and burning in the morning when I finish my toilette. I am not able to manage it for 1hr my doctor gives only tablets to take for bowel movement & didn't gave any ointments. Please give solution, I'm too afraid. And is there any chances to form pus there?

Male | 29 years old

3 Answers

You are in a post-surgical situation so this period should be managed by your surgeon, ideally. This is not a scenario in which a gastroenterologist would typically get involved. I would encourage you to contact your surgeon for advice and treatment - that is his/her job.
The fissure usually does not get infected and forms pus. The cream you may use for pain is a Nitroglycerine cream 0.125% strength, 4 times a day for 4 weeks. Oral tablets of fiber and laxative are also important to take all the time, so the fissure does not come back. You can also do Sitz Baths in warm, clean water to help the pain.

Hope this helps.
Hi. The most important step after fissure surgery is to follow your surgeon's advice. It is often normal to see some red blood per rectum with BMs, and it is important to use stool softeners and to keep the area clean in order to allow the surgical site to heal. Surgeons do advise antibiotics after surgery, so please consult your surgeon for antibiotic therapy. Using a topical ointment like A and D ointment helps as well, but using suppositories without your surgeon's advice is not recommended.