“For a sprain what is more advisable a hot pack or a cold pack?”
Every time I have a sprain or a muscular pull there is a debate at home on putting the hot pack or the cold pack. While both seem to have a similar effect, I would like to understand what should be the immediate treatment, a hot pack or a cold pack?
5 Answers
Hello, for acute sprains and strains, cold packs are better to decrease inflammation. For chronic muscular tension, heat is better.
Nichelle Cook Renk, M.D.
Nichelle Cook Renk, M.D.
In most cases, ice is the best option for a new injury. Mostly because it numbs the area a bit, but it has the added benefit of reducing swelling in the region that makes the sprain even more uncomfortable. After a week or so, alternating ice with heat seems to provide the best relief.
ICE, ICE, ICE. Heat only for extreme muscle use, in order to relieve lactate build up. Cristiano Ronaldo has a 200K cryogenic chamber to help him with his sprains. NSAIDS; Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE) is a great start. If pain is persistent or you cannot put your weight on your ankle after a few days, go see your PMD.