“How to reduce the pain due to ankle sprain?”
I had a fall last week and I twisted my ankle very badly. It seems to be a sprain. I have been putting alternative hot and cold packs but the pain is not subsiding. What can I do to treat my condition?
23 Answers
If an ankle sprain is still painful after a week, you need to consult a medical professional. And untreated ankle sprain can become a lifelong problem. It is also possible that you could have a fracture in your ankle since it can be very difficult to tell the difference between a sprain and a fracture without an x-ray
Inititally we recommend the RICE principles of Res, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. If not improved after a couple of weeks, see a board certified podiatrist who can provide x-rays. If the x-rays are negative, an MRI would be indicated
You would benefit from bracing and compression. Non steroidal anti inflammatory meds would be great to take. See a specialist for X-ray and proper diagnosis. Hope this helps
I hope your ankle feels better. Typically, we recommend cold therapy for th initial phases of acute injury.
Ankle sprains are frequently under treated resulting in long-term sequelae. You need a foot and ankle specialist to determine if it is a grade I or II sprain/tear. Furthermore 20% of these injuries have an osteochondral defect or fracture associated with it and require an MRI. Failure to seek appropriate acute tear often results in long term injury, frequent re-sprains, of permanent DJD/osteoarthritis. The correct diagnosis is often missed in the emergency room. Seek the care of a Foot and Ankle specialist immediately.
I would see a podiatrist in your area as soon as you can because it is very common to get a fracture or a stress fracture from a sprain. I see it in my office very often.
At home treatments can be attempted if the sprain is mild using the R.I.C.E. method. This stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation:
Rest: Continue to avoid activities until it improves
Ice: Applying ice 20 minutes every 2 hours can help ease pain and reduce swelling. Over-the-counter Aleve will also help with the swelling.
Compression: Gentle compression wrapping (such as an ACE bandage) helps reduce swelling and supports the ankle. Make sure the wrapping is not too tight or it can cause pain or even stop the blood flow.
If symptoms persist, it could still just be a minor injury, but it could also be the initial sign of possible damage to tendons or ligaments. These conditions are easily evaluated and treated by a doctor with X-rays and digital diagnostic ultrasound to aid in a fast, accurate diagnosis.
Rest: Continue to avoid activities until it improves
Ice: Applying ice 20 minutes every 2 hours can help ease pain and reduce swelling. Over-the-counter Aleve will also help with the swelling.
Compression: Gentle compression wrapping (such as an ACE bandage) helps reduce swelling and supports the ankle. Make sure the wrapping is not too tight or it can cause pain or even stop the blood flow.
If symptoms persist, it could still just be a minor injury, but it could also be the initial sign of possible damage to tendons or ligaments. These conditions are easily evaluated and treated by a doctor with X-rays and digital diagnostic ultrasound to aid in a fast, accurate diagnosis.
1. Avoid standing and walking as much as possible.
2. Elastic bandage wrapped around the ankle
3. Ankle stabilizer / support
2. Elastic bandage wrapped around the ankle
3. Ankle stabilizer / support
If the pain hasn't gotten ay better at all after the first few days after the injury, you should have it X-rayed to make sure there isn't a fracture. If it is, in fact a sprain, you should purchase a lace up ankle brace from a sporting goods store and wear it all the time. Continue with ice whenever possible. Try to stay off of the foot/ankle as much as possible. Take
motrin or another NSAID for pain relief.
Hope that helps!
Dr. Murphy
motrin or another NSAID for pain relief.
Hope that helps!
Dr. Murphy
You can try rest, ice, compression, and elevation, along with ace warp or CAM boot. You can take over-the-counter or topical pain medication for pain, custom mold orthotic and physical therapy with a will to treat your condition.
Take ankle sprains very seriously because once you sprain your ankle, the chances of it happening again are 70%.
It needs to be X-rayed to determine that there is no cartilage damage or fractures. Sometimes, an MRI is necessary to determine if there are any ligament tears which will lead to the proper treatment. We do not advise you to treat yourself, but to see a qualified podiatrist. The proper timing of the treatment is essential.
Recommend that you get an X-ray to rule out a fracture. Also, get ankle evaluated for ligament damage.
Dr. Kletz
Dr. Kletz
Rest, ice, elevate and strap. If you need to walk, get crutches. Also, an MRI may be needed after 4 weeks of no full recovery.

Daniel J. Walters
Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)
A "very badly" sprained ankle needs to be X-rayed and immobilized. You cannot do anything yourself, you need a podiatrist ASAP.
Rotational injuries of the ankle can present as mild, moderate, and severe. For many years the poor ankle sprain has been considered to be of a limited problem that resolves with appropriate rest. Interestingly the ankle joint is the most frequently injured joint of the body and can create persistent problems in up to 40% of the cases 6 months following the injury. Appropriate early treatment is absolutely critical.
Ice packs is a good idea. Compression stockings are good. Use biofreeze to reduce pain. Change your foot gear.
Thank you for your question. I am sorry to hear of your ankle injury. If you truly have an ankle sprain, this type of injury occurs to the anterior talofibular ligament which is the most common injury after an ankle sprain. There are three grades, grade 1 which is micro tears of the ligament, grade 2 which is a partial tear and grade 3 which is a complete tear of the ligament. In order to properly advice you on the conservative treatment protocol I would need to perform an orthopedic exam. I would recommend the RICE protocol and an anti-inflammatory for 2 weeks post injury and some form of a compression dressing which is extremely important in expedited recovery that commonly gets overlooked. Please feel free to call the office during normal buisness hours if you have additional questions. Thank you for your inquiry.