“Am I guaranteed to have diabetes if my mom does?”
I am a 23 year old female. I want to know am I guaranteed to have diabetes if my mom does?
2 Answers
NO. Diabetes is inherited as a recessive trait, i.e. it takes 2 genes (one from each parent) to inherit it. That doesn't mean you may not get it. Your father could have a recessive gene & give that to you. Your mother has 2 genes for diabetes & when the chromosome divides between the forming egg, one gene goes to each egg. The father's sperm do the same. So you get one gene from each. From your mother, you will always get a gene for diabetes. But it takes 2 to tango, so if dad has no diabetes genes, you will be a carrier but not have the disease. If dad is a carrier of one gene, you have a 50/50 chance of getting that gene & thus a 50/50 chance of diabetes. You should also know that there are environmental factors that trigger the genes. Some people who have 2 genes still will not get the disease if they do not encounter the env. factors. The triggering factors for type 1 diabetes are little understood but the ones for type 2 diabetes are known. They are factors of life style such as overeating & obesity, under activity & sedentary life style. So if your mother has Type 2 diabetes, then you should not be inactive, overeat & get fat. Good luck!!!