Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)

Anxiety, reflux, chills, tightness in throat and chest, pain?

I've been having chills, shaking some, feeling a dizzy, some pain in the chest, with tightness in the throat as well. I've taken omeprazole a few weeks ago, as prescribed by a doctor for reflux. Went to the ER twice, about a month ago, and nothing wrong with my heart or anything, but they suggested I may have anxiety. Could anxiety be causing all of these symptoms? I was prescribed hydroxyzine in case of an anxiety attack. I don't appear to have a fever, so I 'm doubting it's COVID-19-related. I started feeling like this last night, and before that, it was maybe 4 weeks ago when I felt this. Is this some sort of an anxiety attack, or caused from reflux?

Male | 35 years old
Complaint duration: 7 days
Medications: Hydroxizine, Omeprazole

1 Answer

Best to see gastroenterologist for evaluation and endoscopy. No smoking, alcohol, spicy foods, late meals
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