“Are children's allergy testing kits reliable?”
My son is 10 years old. I want to allergy test him with a kit I bought online. Are children's allergy testing kits reliable?
3 Answers
I have not used them in my practice. I recommend a full evaluation by a board certified allergist for all my patients.
L. Curtis Cary, MD, FAAP, FACP, MRCP (London)
L. Curtis Cary, MD, FAAP, FACP, MRCP (London)
In general, these kits may be somewhat reliable. Whether, done in the office or hospital all blood based allergy testing has some limitations. Further, it depends on the specific antibodies that are being tested. IgG or IgE. IgE tests test for reacting that immediate. IgG tests for allergies that occur 6 to 12 hours after exposure. In the case of food, IgG tests my identity allergens not otherwise considered. Research, especially in Europe, suggests elimination of these allergens can improve many chronic conditions. However, all tests have their limitations and therefore should be interpreted by a clinician who is very familiar with those limitations and can help make decisions that are safe and effective.
Shawn K. Centers, DO, MH, FACOP
Shawn K. Centers, DO, MH, FACOP
It depends on the source. Interpreting the results is the difficult part. For example, a positive food test can be interpreted as significant ONLY if there is an impressive hx for that food - don’t “fish” for a food allergy to explain a bothersome problem. False-positive food tests are extremely common!