Hand Surgeon Questions Hand Surgeon

My son suffers from chronic paronychia of his fingers?

Last June, my 17 year old son started getting chronic paronychia in his fingers. It started with 1 finger which got infected and the immediate care. The Dr. took the sides of his fingernail off. It never grew back from has inflamed tissue overlapping the sides now and it has since spread into at least 3 other fingers. He has been in immediate care twice, has seen his pediatric Dr., has been to the dermatologist here and has seen a hand surgeon, but none of them have been able to properly treat his fingers. He has been on a series of several antibiotics that didn't seem to help either. He has been told to warm soak twice a day and apply a steroid/anti-inflammatory gel, which doesn't seem to be working either. I am so scared at this point that the inflammation/infections will go into his bloodstream or bone and now it's been 5 full months of no answers. What do we do?

Male | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 5 months
Medications: topical steroid/anti-inflam
Conditions: chronic paronychia

4 Answers

Perhaps an Infectious Disease specialist can add more value and assistance
Possible fungal infection
There may be underlying health issues.Suggest a complete physical exam with blood tests.Also good hygiene is critical
The fact that he is not responding to typical treatment sounds like his immune system is not functioning properly. He may just be low in nutrients( vit. A,B,C,D,etc) or it may be more complicated. I recommend seeing someone who does functional medicine and nutrition.