“Are dental CT scans for infants dangerous?”
My infant's dentist would like to take CT scans of my child's teeth to monitor their growth. But I'm very worried about the radiation exposure. Are dental CT scans dangerous for infants? Is this a normal procedure?
8 Answers
I have never heard of this unless it is for a growth or development problem. To do this for routine care is not normal . Unless your child has significantly delayed eruption of teeth, I would not agree to this. CT scans are large doses of radiation
The CT scans and dental X-rays have made great advances. Digitalizing X-rays have lowered the amount of radiation exposure. You may receive less radiation with a CT scan than you receive flying across country in a jetliner. Your infant has some developmental problems. Doctors need as much information to guide how to repair these problems. You can be sure your infant will be given the least amount of radiation to get what is needed. With this single X-ray, your infant is being spared multiple X-rays, but has given the treating doctors far more information they need to help your infant.
i would not do it to my child, unless a very specific medical condition to warrant monitoring a future problem.
This is a way to make money unless your child has been diagnosed with a rare or semi rare problem. You might find another dentist and have your dentist justify what your dentist is doing. Think and then do!
CT scans are the safest form of dental x-rays. Your dentist can explain this to you and show you supporting data.