“Are there any treatment options for floaters?”
I have a lot of eye floaters. Are there any treatment options for this?
4 Answers
Floaters are benign specks floating in the vitreous gel in the back of the eye. They can be quite annoying. If there are hundreds at once, seek an ophthalmologist right away as that can be a sign of trouble needing treatment. For the usual 1-4 floaters mostly they can be ignored. Some are large enough or bothersome enough that one wishes to do something about them. The usual method is to do a procedure termed vitrectomy. This is invasive and carries some risk so is rarely suggested. If the floaters are anterior in the vitreous, YAG laser can sometimes vaporize them but this is tricky and frequently fails. Work is being done to improve lasers and lenses to more effectively treat floaters but that is in the wings. It should be available in the next 1-3 years. Best to wait for that.