“Can beetroots be harmful for a diabetic patient?”
My son is diabetic (type 1) and has been since he was 7 (he is 12 now). I give him beetroot juice often, but I was just told that beetroot juice can be harmful for a diabetic patient. Is it true?
3 Answers
Not true. Just have to take into account the amount of carbohydrates that are ingested. That is all.
Good luck and happy new year.
Good luck and happy new year.
Be careful of dietary advice from anyone. Almost all sources of information have their own biases. Read widely and make informed opinions & actions. As to beet juice, I also have a bias. I don't like the taste, though in V8 juice it's not bad. The data I have found suggests beet juice has beneficial effects such as anti-inflammation, etc., that can protect from heart disease & more. The bad effects are vocal cord effects, kidney stones, chills, fever, and rash. The latter 3 are signs of allergy to it & can be cured by not using. Kidney stones seem to be the most common side effect so anyone with a history of kidney stones should stay away from it. I doubt though that his drinking it had anything to do with his diabetes and as St. Paul said, "Moderation in all things..." can apply here. Beet juice has some beneficial effects, but like all things, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. The amount of beet juice in V8 is modest and is probably beneficial & relatively free of side effects. It is also more tasty that boot juice alone or even in pills. Beet juice or beetroot juice is high in fiber & may help bowel problems. Don't forget that beet juice & beetroot juice (the same thing since beets are the root of the plant) are red so they may turn the stool or urine red. That may scare some people, but it is harmless.