Family Practitioner Questions Family Practitioner

Blunt Force Trauma to Finger?

A week and a half ago a window slammed down on the back of my index finger. I received a small laceration which has already healed.I'm pretty sure I didn't break it. The throbbing subsided eventually and it was a bit numb and swollen. I iced and bandaged my finger and took Aleve. I've regained feeling in my finger, however it is still slightly swollen and a little sensitive. I still don't think I broke it but I've noticed that I now have a bony nodule on the proximal part (of the front small knuckle) of my finger. It looks like Heberden's node. Will this go away?

Female | 54 years old
Complaint duration: a week and a half

1 Answer

If you have any comfrey leaves make a poultice and apply over the affected area.