Dentist Questions Dentist

Can I keep my teeth with periodontal disease?

I am a 35 year old male and I have periodontal disease. Can I keep my teeth with periodontal disease?

7 Answers

Yes . With proper treatment and home care you can keep your teeth for the rest of your life
If it is managed with ongoing care, you can keep your teeth.
It all depends on severity of the disease. If there is still enough bone around the tooth and there is no mobility, with the proper treatment, you can.
It depends on how deep the destruction is. Consult a dentist and a parodontologist.
To see a good periodontist and get periodontal treatment done. We have saved teeth from periodontal disease for many, many years and it is better than having implants.
Left untreated, you will lose teeth. It will take some time to have this happen, but the long-term prognosis is not good. Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in patients over 35.
Given your age, YES- depending on how severe your periodontitis is, you should be able to keep your teeth- but you need to treat your periodontitis and get it under control.