Dentist Questions Dentist

Can a deep filling cause nerve damage?

I am a 24 year old male. I need a tooth filling when possible. Can a deep filling cause nerve damage?

8 Answers

Close proximity of the filling to the nerve can cause extreme sensitivity sometimes exposure of the nerve and the may then require root canal therapy. It all depends on the condition of the tooth and how close the cavity is to the nerve.
Anytime teeth are worked on there can be issues with the nerve. Most of the time this does not lead to further treatment needed. In some situations and with deep cavities the tooth may need more then just a filling.
Yes, it can. It all depends on how deep the filling is.
The cavity that made the deep filling necessary can irritate a nerve
Yes, depending on how deep and if there is direct exposure, which many times require root canal therapy. 
Yes, a deep filling can cause nerve pain. It could be how the filling was placed, whether an insulating liner was used or even have touched the nerve slightly.

Fred Peck, DDS, FAACD

Yes, a deep filling can cause nerve damage if the decay extends very close or even into the “pulp” nerve chamber. This is why all dentists urge their patients to take care of their decay immediately. Often times patients will say “but it never hurt before I got this done since you did this filling I’m having pain “. But here’s the truth of the matter, just because you’re not feeling any pain, doesn’t mean that the bacteria in your mouth causing the decay aren’t continually working and “chomping” at you’re tooth structure. You don’t feel it because it’s all internal. But now when the dentist goes in and starts drilling away the decay, the nerve becomes jarred and starts reacting. Think of it as carpenters ants chewing away at the foundation of your home. Usually, unless it’s already too late, the homeowner doesn’t know the damage is happening until a repair is necessary and you touch the offending wall and down it comes.
Yes, this is quite possible, and unfortunately, somewhat common. When a cavity is so big that it gets close to a nerve, the nerve can actually become inflamed, irritated, and even get bad enough to cause a toothache. If this happens, you will need to be seen by your general dentist for evaluation, and recommendation for treatment, if necessary.