Dentist Questions Dentist

Can flossing prevent the coronavirus?

I am a 26 year old male. I wonder if flossing can trap the virus particles. Can flossing prevent the coronavirus?

7 Answers

No. Viruses are not particles.They are microscopic forms that live inside of live human cells. They can only be seen with an electron microscope.Flossing cannot prevent coronavirus .
Flossing will prevent you from losing your teeth. Don’t worry about catching the virus. You are young and healthy. Go visit your American Dental Association dentist.
No- flossing cannot prevent the corona virus.

Jossi Stokes, DDS
I would say flossing will not prevent the coronavirus
No one can say flossing can prevent corona virus infection. Flossing, coupled with brushing and rinsing and spitting,can reduce the microbial (bacteria, virus) load around your teeth and in your mouth. This makes for a healthier mouth and therefor a healthier individual, with less potentially infective microbes present. Both reducing potential of and possibly severity of an infection from any of the present microbes.
No. There is no evidence that flossing will prevent Corona virus infection. Please continue to wear a mask, don't touch your face, wash your hands, and social distance. 
Hope this helps.

Steven Chamish, DDS