Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

Can a person have surgery without anesthesia?

My 80 year old father has a minor procedure but I am afraid for him to have anesthesia. Can a person have surgery without anesthesia?

3 Answers

Depends on what procedure will be done. You/he can ask to have an anesthesia consultation to discuss whether there are choices of the type of anesthesia. Seek consultation from a physician anesthesiologist. You can state your concerns and ask about anesthetic risks.
No. It's imposible.
It definitely depends on the type of surgery, but local anesthesia can go a long long way. Many times things are done without anything but local anesthesia. Another option is regional anesthesia, which includes field blocks, extremity blocks, spinal and epidural anesthesia. There is so much that can be done that general anesthesia can often be avoided. However, sometimes it cannot, an example of which would be a spine surgery. Either way, be sure to discuss the options with your anesthesia provider on the day of surgery or try to call and speak to the hospital or center before the day of surgery to discuss options, leaving you time to research further if you choose.