Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Can acupuncture prevent the flu?

I am a 30 year old male and I am fearful of getting the flu. Can acupuncture prevent the flu?

33 Answers

Acupuncture can help boost immunity. Fear can lower immune system.
Yes, there are points that can be used to boost immunity and keep circulation regular; acupuncture works to re-establish homeostasis in the body so immunity is included.
Acupuncture and Asian Medicine is good for invigorating your immune system that will help prevent you from catching flu.
Yes and no, not everyone is the same and technically the FDA is not allowing anyone to advertise effectiveness in preventing Covid-19. That being said, here is the basics. a healthy immune system can help to reduce the likelihood of getting sick and having a healthy body is going to help to have a healthy immune system. Acupuncture can help you to achieve & maintain a healthier body and boost your immune system. There is research that has demonstrated that certain acupuncture points such as ST36 boots specific immune cells which increases immunity. Chinese herbal medicine is also being used effectively in China and here in the prevention as well as the early treatment of the pandemic flu. Chinese herbal formula used on hospital workers in China that has reportedly been very effective at keeping them from getting sick. One such formula is a modified Gui Zhi Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction) with the addition of licorice root (gan cao) & dried-ginger root (gan jiang). Here is the recipe if you are interested;
Acupuncture can help enhance your immunity, which may reduce your chance to get flu. There is no guarantee you will not contract flu.
Chinese Herbal medicine helps the most. Acupuncture definitely helps it. But you have to visit the doctor's office frequently! It’s inconvenient during this pandemic period.
The only thing I can say with certainty is that acupuncture is great at boosting the immune system. If your immune system is strengthened, the better it is at keeping you healthy and the less prone you are to catch colds and the flu. That being said, there is no guarantee that acupuncture can prevent the flu, as other factors come into play as with any communicable diseases/sicknesses. Your exposure to germs/people who may be carrying viruses, your overall constitution and how healthy of a lifestyle you engage in will determine if you get the flu or not. The best way to prevent getting the flu is to wash your hands frequently, try not to touch any surfaces outside of your home, keep well hydrated, get plenty of rest, eat healthfully, try to avoid public places as much as possible and do your best to maintain a stress free life ( practicing tai chi, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, etc.). Sometimes even if you do all of these well, you could still end up with the flu. It can be a matter of being at the wrong place at the wrong time - coming across someone who has it. But your chances of fighting it are better if your immune system is healthy, which acupuncture can promote.
Acupuncture can boost the immune system.
No. Acupuncture cannot prevent the flu. It can optimize your health and help you with the fear and maybe with good health you might be less likely to get sick. But you get the flu through exposure, so lifestyle choices are what are most important in avoiding the flu. Avoid sick people, wear a mask, and take care of yourself. Good sleep, a healthy diet and enough exercise help. Reducing stress can help. Acupuncture can help if you get the flu. It can reduce symptoms and help you to recover more quickly.

Yvonne R. Farrell, DAOM, LAc

The purpose of acupuncture is to improve the energy (Chi) flow in your body by inserting a filiform needle into trigger points of your body. Once the Chi flow is unblocked, that will strengthen your energy hence your immune system. Then you have more fighting power against outside invaders - could be microorganisms, or simply negative energy.
Thank you for your inquiry. Acupuncture is very effective in addressing the flu, especially with combined with Chinese herbs and the right nutrition. It does so by targeting the boosting of the body’s immune system naturally.
Good afternoon,
Acupuncture will help to increase the immune system but by washing your hands often, wearing a mask will help even more.
Sure. Acupuncture enhances the immune system so it can do a preventive role.
Thank you for your question.

The best prevention for any infection
like the flu is to sleep well, eat healthy, decrease stress, be active/exercise regularly, wash your hands and practice good hygiene.

If acupuncture can help you decrease stress, then that is a possible way it could help. There are some points we use for general wellness and keeping one’s overall health balanced. But there is no research that specifically indicates acupuncture prevents flu.

And as stated above there are many other ways for staying well and not adding the cost of acupuncture.

Wearing a mask properly these days despite any misinformation in the media is one of your best protections for both flu and COVID19 along with hand washing. Wearing a mask correctly is key though, not touching your face when it is on and knowing how to take it off, clean, and store it if you have to re-use.

A single sneeze is like a mini invisible virus hurricane. Wearing a mask will protect you.

Kind regards,
Acupuncture can strengthen and improve your immune system I think it could help prevent the flu.
Hello! Yes it can!
It can strengthen your body's response and boost your immune system, but no, not according to western medical theory.
Acupuncture can help enhance the immune system and ward off illness. Its immune-stimulating functions treat all types of cold and flu effectively, achieving a quick recovery without side effects.

Studies have shown that certain blood counts and immune-enhancing chemicals stay elevated for at least 3 days following an acupuncture treatment.
You need to take herbal formula and acupuncture together for prevent flu.
You need to see professional licensed acupuncture.
in ancient days a good acupuncturist was measured by how well his patients stayed. Acupuncture will balance the body making for a healthy immune system. It is highly possible that you would not get sick. Many who do get sick find viruses short lived because of their healthy immune system that comes from having regular acupuncture appointments.
If your Qi is strong, you will not get the flu. So, the best way is the preventive way.
Yes, it will help boost your immune system. I would also prescribe a herbal formula most likely.
A healthy lifestyle and diet prevents the flu and colds. At the first sign of a flu or cold then get acupuncture and usually the symptom go away immediately or within a day. The treatment with acupuncture is to boost the immune system so it can heal the body.
Yes, it can boost your immune system.
Acupuncture can strengthen your immune system and reduce the likelihood of being susceptible to the flu and other illnesses.
Absolutely. Regular acupuncture treatments can help boost your immune system and prevent the development of colds and flus. It works best in congunction with other preventative measures such as proper diet and attire (seems silly but we all run out of the house without warm enough clothing from time to time).
Yes, acupuncture can help your immune system function better, before one old man see me for lower back pain and increase body energy, he take 15 sessions treatment to satisfied his wants, and he never get flu and common cold attack as before in 2 years.
Yes, it boosts your immunity to prevent flu. It is quite useful. Try it.
Yeh, I think so, because acupuncture can increase immunity.
Acupuncture and moxibustion may help to boost the immune system in general. Usually for folks looking to prevent illnesses like cold or flu I recommend vitamin supplementation and hand washing.