Radiologist Questions Radiologist

Can an X-ray show torn ligaments in the knee?

My 16 year old hurt herself during a field hockey game. I want to know can an x-ray show torn ligaments in the knee?

7 Answers

X-ray does not allow for visualization of internal soft tissues of the knee (ligaments and meniscus) and is primarily meant to evaluate the bones and to check for a joint effusion (joint effusion (fluid on the knee) may be a secondary feature of a torn ligament). A torn ligament can often be detected upon a physical examination. MRI is the imaging gold standard in the evaluation of an internal derangement of the knee (e.g., torn ligament or meniscus).
No, X-rays cannot see torn ligaments. MRI is the modality of choice to see torn ligaments, menisci, tendons., muscles, bone bruise...
Can show a couple of indirect signs, but the short answer is no. MRI is king. If you can't have MRI, get CT Arthrogram.
All the best.
It is just seen on MRI. Most of the time it is not seen on X-ray.
No, MRI.
No, MRI is the answer.