“Can anxiety cause physical pain symptoms?”
I am a 29 year old female. I want to know if anxiety can cause physical pain symptoms?
6 Answers
Yes, anxiety can cause psychosomatic symptoms. It is recommended that you schedule a visit with your primary care physician for a checkup to ensure there are no serious health conditions present and then be sure to follow up with your mental health professional.
Yes, anxiety can cause pain, such as stomach aches, headaches, body aches (from tensing muscles), and even heart palpitations. However, before assuming this is from anxiety, I would get a physical.
Dr. Faye
Dr. Faye
Yes, most definitely. Anxiety is very physical and can reside in people's bodies in different ways (e.g., gastrointestinal problems versus panic attacks). The "brain body connection" runs both ways, meaning that mental health disorders can influence physical sensations and pain (or worsen organic physical pain your body already has from a different medical/physical problem), and in turn, physical pain issues can trigger or worsen mental health symptoms.
Absolutely. While it depends upon what kind of pain we are talking about, generally chronic anxiety has been shown to increase inflammation in the body, causing muscle or joint pain. Also, prolonged physiological arousal brought about from anxiety can have other negative effects on various systems of the body leading to pain.