“Can calcium deficiency impact teeth?”
My son is lactose intolerant and I have been unable to feed him milk. His teeth as a result are not very strong. Can calcium deficiency impact the health of teeth?
26 Answers
It can! I would make sure you supplement through vehicles that are lactose intolerant-friendly such as almond milk or soy milk.
Yes, calcium deficiency can impact tooth formation, depending on the age of your son. Try feeding calcium supplements according to his age and prescription recommendations.

Amy G. David
Around 99% calcium present in your body is stored in your bones and teeth. Naturally, if your calcium levels drop, you’ll be susceptible to toothache and decay. Also, you’ll be at a greater risk of suffering from periodontal disease. In children, calcium deficiency has been linked to delayed and defective teething. Try looking into other sources of calcium that you can increase in his diet. I have little ones...and that is easier said than done. I have listed a few options below that you might/could sneak into smoothies or into dishes you are cooking.
- Seeds are tiny nutritional powerhouses. Some are high in calcium, including poppy, sesame, celery and chia seeds.
- Almonds are the nuts highest in calcium. An ounce of almonds, or about 22 nuts, delivers 8% of the RDI.
- Whey is exceptionally rich in calcium. A 1-oz scoop of whey protein powder isolate contains 20% of the RDI.
- Dried figs have more calcium than other dried fruits - 5% of the RDI in an ounce.
- Seeds are tiny nutritional powerhouses. Some are high in calcium, including poppy, sesame, celery and chia seeds.
- Almonds are the nuts highest in calcium. An ounce of almonds, or about 22 nuts, delivers 8% of the RDI.
- Whey is exceptionally rich in calcium. A 1-oz scoop of whey protein powder isolate contains 20% of the RDI.
- Dried figs have more calcium than other dried fruits - 5% of the RDI in an ounce.
Calcium most definitely has an effect on teeth. Your teeth, or more specifically your enamel.
Calcium most definitely has an effect on teeth. Your teeth, or more specifically your enamel.
Hi, to answer your question, yes, it can affect the teeth. But if only your son has low calcium level ,which has to be medically proven, calcium is in many things, not only milk plus vit D plays a very big role in body absorption of calcium. So if your son has tooth problems, it can be due to other factors. At the same time, I have to say if the low level of calcium occurs during tooth development, it affects the teeth.
It would be unusual for a healthy young man to be calcium deficient. If you have any doubt have your physician order a blood test for calcium.
Yes, calcium is important for strong teeth and bones. Try lactose free milk or soy or almond milk. Also, Minute maid makes a calcium fortified OJ and Ocean Spray makes a calcium fortified cranberry juice.
Lack of calcium absolutely impacts teeth and tooth development. However, there are many other sources of calcium than dairy, and many of these are better options anyway.
For example: Dietary Sources
The richest food sources of calcium include:
- Cheeses, such as Parmesan, Romano, gruyere, cheddar, American, mozzarella, and feta
- Low-fat dairy products, such as milk and yogurt
- Tofu
- Blackstrap molasses
Other good sources of calcium include:
- Almonds
- Brewer's yeast
- Bok choy
- Brazil nuts
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Dried figs
- Kelp
- Dark leafy greens (such as dandelion, turnip, collard, mustard, kale, and Swiss chard)
- Hazelnuts
- Oysters
- Sardines
- Canned salmon
Foods that are fortified with calcium -- such as juices, soy milk, rice milk, tofu and cereals -- are also good sources of this mineral.
This is the source that I took this from, if you wish to read the entire article: http://www.lifescript.com/health/a-z/adam/alternative_medicine/supplement/c/calcium.aspx <http://www.lifescript.com/health/a-z/adam/alternative_medicine/supplement/c/calcium.aspx>
I hope this helps.
In Health,
Dr. Jennifer Rankin
For example: Dietary Sources
The richest food sources of calcium include:
- Cheeses, such as Parmesan, Romano, gruyere, cheddar, American, mozzarella, and feta
- Low-fat dairy products, such as milk and yogurt
- Tofu
- Blackstrap molasses
Other good sources of calcium include:
- Almonds
- Brewer's yeast
- Bok choy
- Brazil nuts
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Dried figs
- Kelp
- Dark leafy greens (such as dandelion, turnip, collard, mustard, kale, and Swiss chard)
- Hazelnuts
- Oysters
- Sardines
- Canned salmon
Foods that are fortified with calcium -- such as juices, soy milk, rice milk, tofu and cereals -- are also good sources of this mineral.
This is the source that I took this from, if you wish to read the entire article: http://www.lifescript.com/health/a-z/adam/alternative_medicine/supplement/c/calcium.aspx <http://www.lifescript.com/health/a-z/adam/alternative_medicine/supplement/c/calcium.aspx>
I hope this helps.
In Health,
Dr. Jennifer Rankin
Yes, healthy teeth and bone require adequate calcium and vitamin D intake. First of all, avoid use of sugary and acidic foods. Phosphates in carbonated drinks can block calcium absorption. There are many foods imbued with calcium that can contribute to the recommended daily 1200 mg of calcium. These include 1 cup of baked beans provide 150 mg of calcium; canned salmon provides about 180 mg of calcium; eat calcium fortified foods like soy, rice and fish; one cup of oatmeal provides 100 mg plus of calcium; veggies like spinach and broccoli provide about 100 mg of calcium per serving; almonds provide 100 mg of calcium per serving; eggs are a good source of Vitamin D; one can supplement with over-the counter calcium supplementation.
Lack of calcium would have little affect on adult teeth but will have more impact on children who are forming teeth. I don't know the best alternative but I suggest you google or discuss with your doctor because it will be even more important for developing bones...I am sure there are supplements available.
Teeth are more than just calcium. It is multiple minerals from our diet that we are concerned about and can be properly consumed through leafy green veggies and other supplements. Daily care and fluoride rinses are encouraged to aid in making the teeth more resistant to acid erosion from regular foods and highly recommended to not sip on drinks like coffee/tea/soda/energy drinks between meals.
Calcium is most important for unerupted, developing teeth as calcium is one of the minerals that make up the tooth. If he is unable to drink milk, you may want to give him calcium supplements to ensure that his teeth form properly.
Yes it can impact the health of teeth. Milk is not the only source of ca. Make sure he is getting adequate calcium from other sources such as vegetables or fortified cereals.
Calcium deficiency absolutely can impact health and teeth. Besides strengthening bone and teeth, calcium is needed for all the muscles of the body including the heart. Making sure your child gets the proper amount of calcium is imperative. Calcium deficiency can manifest as under developed adult or primary teeth which are discolored and more susceptible to cavities and decay.
If your child is lactose intolerant, there are substitutions for dairy products as well as other products like orange juice which contain calcium as well as over the counter calcium supplements. Vitamin D is another way to increase calcium absorption and is in the form of droplets for infants. Make sure you talk to your nutritionist and pediatrician about daily requirements and other options. It is usually in the 1200 mg range for calcium daily but it depends on age. Also, understand with supplementation, there is such a thing as too much and excess calcium can be harmful medically. As your child gets older, daily vitamins can rectify your problem.
Hope this helps.
If your child is lactose intolerant, there are substitutions for dairy products as well as other products like orange juice which contain calcium as well as over the counter calcium supplements. Vitamin D is another way to increase calcium absorption and is in the form of droplets for infants. Make sure you talk to your nutritionist and pediatrician about daily requirements and other options. It is usually in the 1200 mg range for calcium daily but it depends on age. Also, understand with supplementation, there is such a thing as too much and excess calcium can be harmful medically. As your child gets older, daily vitamins can rectify your problem.
Hope this helps.
Yes calcium deficiency can most certainly impact the health of the teeth. However, there are other factors that could influence the teeth as well such as genetics and diet. I would recommend you, if your son is showing softer or weaker teeth. Go to a dentist and see if your son needs fluoride treatment. It can help harden his enamel which may help protect his teeth longer.
You get source of calcium from other foods or vitamins. So lactose intolerant should not impact his teeth health.
This is more a question for your physician or your child's pediatrician. Milk is an excellent source of calcium, most doctors recommend good nutrition as a fundamental requirement for good dental health. It's especially important when there are compromises to our health, as you described in the case of your child's lactose intolerance. A supplemental vitamin and possibly other recommendations maybe made to provide needed calcium in lieu of dietary calcium.
Yes, calcium deficiency can affect teeth and bones. Consider calcium from other sources like intake of fish, leafy vegetables with high calcium content like kale, broccoli.
Any mineral deficiency will have some effect on different body structures. A dietician can provide you accurate assessments and recommendations
The first question is how old is your son? Adequate calcium is extremely important while the teeth are forming, as well as for the bones. But calcium can be gotten from sources other than cow's milk. Hopefully, his pediatrician has him on a multivitamin. Discuss the need for additional calcium and where to get it with the pediatrician and/or a nutritionist.