Chiropractor Questions knee pain

Can a chiropractor help with knee arthritis?

I'm 47, and I was diagnosed with arthritis two years ago. I'm wondering, can a chiropractor help me with knee pain caused by arthritis?

11 Answers

We typically get great results with arthritis in the knees in our office. Most chiropractors should be able to help you as well.
Depends, most likely surgery. But, I would see a chiro first; even if you need a surgery, chiropractic adjustment will influence your nervous system and will help you to recover after surgery.
Most knee arthritis comes from postural misalignments of your back, pelvis and feet. Chiropractors not only align the neck and back but also restore motion to your knees, hips, feet and all joints. We also use special spinal pelvic stabilization orthotics to help create daily postural support.
Certainly seeing a chiropractor could benefit you with knee pain that had already been diagnosed to have arthritic changes in it. Most people acquire degenerative arthritic changes in their joints as they get older. That alone should not stop you from seeing if something more could improve the way the knee feels. Usually, there can be other accompanying issues
involved. Joint fixations receiving manipulation could help mobilize various other tissues and other adjacent bones which could greatly assist a condition to improve. Mobility can help reduce pain when it is appropriate. Nutritional changes can also add to improve the outcome of a painful knee. Give your chiropractor a try. It might do wonders!
Thanks for asking.
A sports certified or orthopedic specialized chiropractor can help with arthritic knees. We are trained to evaluate and treat joints other than the spine with chiropractic and physical therapy.

Vishal K. Verma, DC CCSP
Generally yes, but depends on the Chiropractor
Frequently, yes, a Doctor of Chiropractic can help. Especially if they adjust the extremities and understand clinical nutrition. I deal with it daily in my practice.
The more balanced your spine and hips are, the more you are ensuring that your knees have equal pressure on them. The more misaligned the hips, the more uneven the knees and the more wear and tear. Chiropractic also helps balance stress hormones, physiology, etc. in the body...all good for joint inflammation. A DC can also adjust your knees, feet, ankles if needed!

Good luck!

Only an exam would tell
Yes Chiropractic can help with arthritis related pain. The extent of relief will vary depending on how severe your case is and if there are any other factors causing the arthritis. A Chiropractor will be able to address these issues and help you get relief.