Chiropractor Questions Hip bursitis

Can a chiropractor treat hip bursitis?

I was diagnosed with hip bursitis a few months ago and I want to find alternative way to treat it. Can a chiropractor treat hip bursitis?

17 Answers

That’s something we’ve had great success with in the office many times. Combining chiropractic with acupuncture and/or physical therapy and/or massage gets great results with bursitis.
Chiropractors are educated for addressing any musculo-skeletal condition of the body. Each state however has it's own laws about extra-spinal evaluation and treatment, so you should check that out first. Flare-ups of hip bursitis are a tough call because of that area's weight bearing and soft tissue attachments. Conditions can take some serious time to heal. Seek the advice of a well trained Sports Chiropractor for proper evaluation and appropriate treatment protocols. Your condition outcomes are dependent upon the health of your hip joints, injury history, bony integrity, your practitioner's know how, and your ability to follow your treatment plan.
Yes, chiropractic adjustments along with other therapies can reduce the inflammation of the bursa and surrounding tissues.
Chiropractors can help people with bursitis of the hips especially if it is due to the pelvis being out of alignment.
All Chiropractors are trained in Physiotherapy modalities including E-Stim, Ultrasound, Inferential, etc that are designed to treat bursitis. Some also specialize in myofascial techniques (ART, Graston, etc) to aid in proper mechanics and reduced tissue inflammation. By treating the bursa directly and assessing the muscular components of the hip that lead to bursitis a Chiropractor is more than qualified to treat hip bursitis.
Hi, i think re-aligning the hip joint areas will allow the hips to move along their proper range of motion relieving the irritation of the hip bursa, which in turn will allow more blood circulation to that area decreasing the swelling and inflammation. I think giving chiropractic a try will help in this area.
Yes. However, it will be important to check the gait of the patient and the stability of the foot. Foot orthotics are very useful here. A sacrum subluxation must be checked also.
Yes, hip bursitis is treatable with chiropractic care. Often the hip joint is out of alignment causing pain & inflammation. The surrounding muscles also may be contributing to the problem.
Yes chiropractic and physical therapy would both be good options to treat hip bursitis. That would be the best place to start, if symptoms aren’t decreasing then next step would be something more invasive, such as an injection.
Yes, effectively without surgery.  

Hello, Chiropractors treat extremity joint restrictions and vertebral joint subluxations. It is important that a chiropractor identifies the cause of your hip bursitis. If it is due to improper hip joint biomechanics or leg muscular imbalance, then some have found chiropractic manipulation to be helpful in managing this complaint. Without an examination it is difficult tell.
Yes. First, the cause of the bursitis must be determined. Something has caused the bursa to become inflamed. X-rays should be performed to see if there is something in the joint that may be affecting the surrounding structures such as the bursa. I would recommend Icing the area for 30 minutes every 2-3 hours and stretching the glutes and T.F.L muscles. If you can take ibuprofen, do so to decrease inflammation as well. Chiropractic is a great way to resolve mechanical hip problems that may be causing the bursitis.
Good luck.

Take care and be well,

Dr. Eric Miller
My experience over the last 25 years has been yes, chiropractic can help hip bursitis. Aligning your pelvis and the entire kinetic chain (all the joints in the leg) will usually lead to a reduction in pain. The improvement experienced by my patients works like this: corrected alignment = corrected motion = less inflammation = less pain. While not gone immediately, the pain almost always improves from the first visit. If you’re not local to NYC, find a chiropractor who specifically mentions their extremity adjusting on their website.
I hope that answers your question.

Good luck!

Dr. John G. Vilkelis
No, be they can look for spinal imbalances causing this condition
Yes, I would recommend getting an examination from a Sports Chiropractor just to be sure that hip bursitis is the best diagnosis. Sometimes hip bursitis is the result of an underlying problem elsewhere. A Sports Chiro will be able to solve this "mystery" as well as treat it.
We have a high success rate with Bursitis in the hip with mls laser therapy