Dentist Questions Dental Crown

Can a crown last a long time?

I'm 40 years old, and I'm going to have a dental crown at the end of next week. But I'm wondering about how long this crown is supposed to last. Do crowns last a long time?

7 Answers

Crowns when done properly and when the patient follows dentist instruction can last over 10 years. I have many patients with crowns done over 30 years and they look as good as the day they were placed.
Make sure the bite is not overloaded in a new crown, flossing and correct brushing is a MUST.
Yes they can! It depends on how good a job your dentist does and how well you take care of it over time. Floss is very important.
A dental crown - also colloquially called a "cap" or "casting" - Is a wonderful restoration for prolonging the lifespan of a tooth. A crown used to be made of gold alloy, or porcelain baked over gold. Our current technology uses zirconium, which is harder than a tooth. On average, a crown should have a lifespan of about 20 years... longer or shorter depending on various factors such as type of material, quality of the tooth structure underneath, quality of the workmanship of the dental lab and the dentist, and your own factors such as your oral hygiene, the types of foods you eat, whether you grind your teeth, etc. I've seen crowns last as long as 30-40 years on patients, and as short as weeks or months. Most reputable dentists will warranty their work for at least 1-5 years in some form or other. It's always a good idea to ask your dentist about this.
Sure it can. You have to maintain it by keeping good oral hygiene and having regular dental check-ups.
Crowns last you through the life of the tooth. Take good care of it.
Great question! Crowns normally last 10 years to a lifetime. I’ve seen 40 year-old crowns. If all conditions are favorable, they are there for the long haul.

Dana Truesdale, DDS
If a crown is made correctly it would last you at least 10 to 15 years with no issues