Dentist Questions Dentist

Can dental bonding fall off?

I am a 55 year old female. I wonder if dental bonding can fall off?

7 Answers

Yes. It can fall off if done poorly or if there are heavy bite forces contacting the bonding. In cases of trauma or chewing things like pens, fingernails, or ice, the bonding can chip or fall off as well.
Yes. If the tooth is hit or you bite on a certain angle it can break off. It can also discolor over time from food and plaque.
Yes, dental bonding can detach. Veneers and crowns are longer lasting.
Hope this information is helpful.
Yes. Dental bondings can fall off. Your dentist should use his/her expertise and experience to know when and where to bond, and when and where not to bond. 

Yes, like any other restoration, nothing lasts forever. If the bonding is on the biting edge of a tooth, it is under a lot of stress and could break more easily.

Dr. Drew Shulman
Yes, it can fracture or come out.