Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Can dermal pigmentation be removed?

I am a 37 year old female. I want to know if dermal pigmentation can be removed?

8 Answers

Yes. With the appropriate laser
Depending on the location, depth and size, dermal pigments can be removed using laser or peels. You would need a consultation with a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon to see if your pigments would qualify for these treatments.
Yes. I use Icon and Picosure. This is a skin treatment which heals rapidly Picosure is also used to remove tattoos which illusrtates how effective it is but you only want matching skin color and this is great when properly utilized. I also use products devised by Dr. Obagi and he is the worlds expert. These are self administered. The new company is called ZO. It is
only available be physicians as the ingredients are FDA controlled which means the product actually works. There are also peels such as a Blue Peel devised by Dr. Obagi which accelerates the results. Post pregnancy pigmentation can be treated very well and sun spots or brown spots many times can be a one stop shop treatment and heal with the spot turning darker and completely peeling off in two to four days with normal pigment color.
Typically, we recommend a topical cream that has Hydroquinone as its active ingredient. Applied two to three times daily, results are typically visible in a few weeks.
Double pigmentation is a very perplexing issue for many patients, specifically when it is difficult to remove with normal bleaching creams. Dermal pigmentation which really is darkening secondary to certain conditions like pregnancy, trauma, post-procedure, i.e., laser or microneedling RF, or just your ordinary run-of-the-mill aging sun damage.

At Bafitis plastic surgery, we treat double pigmentation specifically of the face and neck, and oftentimes of the parts of the body with a variety of different modalities, all efficacious, all approved by the FDA and based on Dr. Bafitis's 30-year history of being a plastic surgeon based on proven results.

The modalities employed involve an IPL laser and/or CO2 blade of laser and/or microneedling be it with infusion of growth factors or radio frequency microneedle he called Morpheus. The mainstay of treatment though starts with Dr. Bafitis's compounded product called feed and renew. Over two weeks, we start with feed and renew and then add a booster to assist a penetrating and 80% of the time no other treatment is necessary.
Dermal pigmentation can mean several things. In general — YES.
Thank you for the question. Hyperpigmentation can be treated with a myriad of esthetic procedures in a medical spa. Way cheaper than a surgical procedure. Be aware that the results are progressive with several sessions. I would encourage you to visit a Medical Spa.

Luis A. Laurentin-Perez, MD PhD.
Thank you for the question. It is important to know the type of pigment you have. Some can be removed with various light energy (laser) some need to be biopsied and some need complete surgical excision. Best plan would be to see a board certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist. Good luck to you.