“Can eye vision ever improve naturally?”
I am a 34 year old male with very poor vision. Can eye vision ever improve naturally?
8 Answers
There are many reasons for poor vision. Most cases of naturally poor vision do not improve. Poor vision from some acquired conditions may change. Please see your eye doctor for an evaluation.
Not normally unless your spectacles are poorly focused and the lens inside your eyes change. There are some training therapy programs but these are rare and unfortunately we don't know which cases respond well. But view the lecture: https://media.ccc.de/v/35c3-9370-hacking_how_we_see
If you are referring to refractive error (nearsighted, farsighted or astigmatism) correctable with eyeglasses, this can change over time, sometimes resulting in visual improvement with decreased need for glasses as we age. Most conditions that affect vision will worsen over time (cataracts, macular degeneration) and often require treatment. It is best to see an ophthalmologist to address your particular condition.
Mark F. Pyfer, MD
Mark F. Pyfer, MD
Yes, it can, but I do not see it often in regular medical practice. Doing eye exercises diligently helps restore vision at younger age.
It is highly unusual for poor vision to improve naturally. When it does happen it is usually because of an unrecognized illness such as diabetes. Diabetes can make your eyes very nearsighted when it is out of control. Once under control the ice often revert to the previous state of good vision. Otherwise, it is highly unusual for eyes change of their own accord and improve on their own