“Can gum infections go away on their own?”
I am a 34 year old female. I wonder if gum infections can go away on their own?
7 Answers
There many different causes, kinds and severities of gum diseases. The lesser type of gum disease would be gingivitis. This would generally be the only level or type of gum disease that might be possibly considerd as transient. In that gingivitis can at times be resolved with improved home care practices by the patient, improved flossing and brushing, and no other treatment. However brushing and flossing in that case strictly speaking is actually a treatment. So no,gum diseases do not go away by themselves.
Many times gum infections are tooth infections. You need to get the area xrayed to have a diagnosis. Most infections will not go away without treatment.
Hi, gum disease is a bacterial infection that usually requires treatment by a dentist. The earliest stage of this is gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums. This stage is reversible with proper daily care of brushing and flossing. Later stages of periodontal disease include loss of bone that holds your teeth in your mouth. I would recommend an evaluation to determine what stage you may be in. A simple maintenance visit may be all you need and early treatment and diagnosis is less invasive and more economical.