“Can having epilepsy affect your memory?”
I am a 16 year old male. I was diagnosed with epilepsy. I wonder if having epilepsy can affect your memory?
6 Answers
Yes it can. It can also be tested with neuropsychology which assesses how well your brain works for various functions, like verbal memory or visuo-spatial memory. It depends a lot on how young you were at diagnosis and how well the epilepsy has been controlled through childhood. Many people have epilepsy without any memory loss.
Yes, frequent seizures can affect memory. Please consult your neurologist to get the seizures controlled and get examined.
Yes, as can some anticonvulsants. I would check with your pediatric epileptologist or neuropsychologist.
Yes, the memory can be evaluated formally with neuropsychological testing once the epilepsy is managed as best as possible with medications.