Audiologist Questions Audiologist

Can having seasonal allergies make hearing difficult?

My 14 year old daughter has seasonal allergies. She said it makes hearing difficult sometimes. Can having seasonal allergies make hearing difficult?

3 Answers

Yes. Yes it can. Due to congestion or due to effusion in middle ear (usually not an infection) or due to Eustachian tube dysfunction.

Please discuss with your daughter’s pediatrician or with her specialist provider (allergist, etc.)

Best regards.
Seasonal allergies cause inflammation and fluid build up in sinuses and that can make the ears feel plugged, which can mildly affect hearing temporarily. If you're concerned, see a primary care, allergist, and/or an otolaryngologist. 
If there is a lot of mucus and swelling it can affect the eustachian tubes and cause fluid in the middle ear which can cause trouble with hearing.