“Can human growth hormone pills cause cancer?”
I heard that human growth hormones can actually cause cancer from one of my friends. Is this really true? Are there any studies that prove this?
3 Answers
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) does not, as far as we know does NOT cause cancer. It is a growth stimulant so it might speed up the growth of a cancer already there. BUT how are you getting HGH to take by mouth? HGH is a protein hormone and is digested by the gut like a piece of meat. Thus it must be given by injection not by mouth. I suspect what you are taking is not HGH but a pill that they say stimulates HGH secretion. There are no studies of this over-the-counter (you get by mail at an inflated price) pill. I think taking it is a waste of money. Please see a physician for advice about what you are thinking of taking.