Anesthesiologist Questions Birthmark removal

Can I get anesthesia while removing a port wine stain?

I'm getting a birthmark removed with laser surgery. I'm very scared of the pain that the laser will cause. Can I get anesthesia while removing a port wine stain?

5 Answers

If it is in the face, I would seriously consider general anesthesia.
Please don’t be afraid. When lasers are in use, the area is anesthetized with local anesthesia. Like when you go to a dentist, the operative tooth is anesthetized with a local anesthetic. Additionally, some dermatologists performing the procedure may give you a sedative by mouth or even through an IV if one is placed into one of your veins. No reason to be afraid. You’ll do fantastic!
You would have to address that with your provider, but it is done.


Christopher Creighton
You can potentially get local anesthesia. Talk to your physician doing the procedure regarding all the options his office provides.

Dr. Kush Tripathi