Ophthalmologist Questions Vision

Can I get new glasses without an eye exam?

I want to get new glasses but my vision hasn't really changed. I don't think I need to go to the eye doctor. Do I really need to have another eye test if I just want new glasses, and if my vision hasn't changed?

8 Answers

If it has been more than a year since your last eye exam, then you must see your eye doctor.
Depends on whether the optician will just make new glasses with the same prescription. He’ll probably insist on current prescription

Jeffrey D. Gold, MD
Depends upon your state. In mine, the optometrists have pushed through a law requiring a new prescription every two years and opticians will not fill one over two years old. This is called marketing. Do you have a copy of your original prescription for eyeglasses? Your current glasses can be "read" in a special machine and the numbers obtained to make new eyeglasses. Put all of this together and perhaps you can talk an optician into reading your glasses and making a new one. Never forget the power of making a little profit.
Yes - if you get the same Rx as you already have.
The eye exam is where we check the eye healthy and make sure everything is still fine. No matter what, always good to do your eye exam. You’ll be surprised a lot of things can pop up even for a general check-up.

If your glasses prescription is over 2 years old, it is no longer valid. Eye health checkups should be performed at least every 2 years on everyone, despite needing glasses or not. There are many health issues that “brew” in the eye that are detected on “routine “ eye exams and can be fixed/treated before someone loses vision or becomes very sick. I personally have seen large tumors, retinal tears, diabetic eye disease, etc in people who come in for routine care. You only have 2 eyes, get them checked!
Yes you can repeat your glasses, just go to an optometrist
No! If it’s been over 1-2 yrs, you need a full dilated fundus exam.