Psychiatrist Questions Child psychology

Can I join my child in her psych follow-up?

My 9-year-old daughter was referred to a child psychiatrist because of her anxiety that she feels in school. Will I be able to join her while she speaks to the psychiatrist?

4 Answers

Yes but only for part of it.
Yes, of course.
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I would say yes from my point of view, but I would direct that question to her psychiatrist
To some extent, always. But your question raises the question of control issues which interfere with therapy. The child is too anxious or fearful to open up with others in the room. Hence most of therapy involves just the psychiatrist & patient in the room. There is plenty of time before & after the session for parenteral input. Indeed, this is necessary so that therapy doesn't get off track. Child psychiatrists are particularly good for this. I think you both will be very happy with the outcome.