“Can I still use mouthwash with a temporary crown?”
I have a temporary crown in right now, and I was just wondering... do you think it's okay to use mouthwash with a temporary crown? Or should I start using it again after I get my permanent crown?
19 Answers
Mouthwash is perfectly fine to use with a temporary crown. The cleaner you can keep the temporary crown, the less inflammation and bleeding occurs when placing the permanent crown.
Using mouthwash is okay, just don’t swish too vigorously. Avoid flossing the area or, if you need to, put floss through and then pull it out instead of pushing it back out.
Your temporary crown can be held in with a variety of cements. However, you should be able to use mouthwash without any recourse. The goal is to avoid the crown coming out (your dentist would have to put it back in). You want to be careful when you floss as well.
Mouthwash is okay, but don't rinse too vigorously or it may loosen prematurely. Also, be careful flossing so you don't accidentally pull it up and out.
You can use mouthwash with a temporary crown in place. Just be sure not swish very vigorously so the crown does not decement. If have been experiencing any tooth sensitivity with the temporary crown in place, be sure to use alcohol-free mouth wash.
Dr. Rageb
You can use mouthwash with a temporary crown in place. Just be sure not swish very vigorously so the crown does not decement. If have been experiencing any tooth sensitivity with the temporary crown in place, be sure to use alcohol-free mouth wash.
Dr. Rageb
There is no reason why you should not be able to use mouthwash with a temporary crown. The only difference between a permanent crown and temporary crown is the material it is made of. You should still brush and floss as usual. Just don’t eat hard or sticky foods on it as it may come off easily or prematurely or break. Enjoy your new crown when you get it!
Bruce L. Elkind, DDS, PA
Bruce L. Elkind, DDS, PA
There should be no problem using mouthwash while you have a temporary crown. It is important to keep your gums healthy with the temporary there, so brush and swish.
Using mouthwash with a temporary crown is perfectly safe. You also can brush the way you normally would. The problem is flossing can cause a temp to come out.
Yes, it is okay to use mouthwash with a temporary crown as long as the mouthwash is alcohol free. Good luck with your new crown. Hope it looks and feels great!
It's a great idea to use mouthwash while you have a temporary crown to get your gums as healthy as possible prior to the delivery of your final crown. You should be careful when flossing to pull the floss out the side and not lift up as it may dislodge the crown.