Massage Therapist Questions Massage Therapist

Can massage therapy heal a dislocated shoulder?

I am a 41 year old female with shoulder pain. Can massage therapy heal a dislocated shoulder?

3 Answers

No an appointment with a medical doctor is required to place the dislocated shoulder back into its proper place, massage therapy and laser therapy mixed would then be recommended afterwards along with weight training to help correct the currant imbalances present!
Excellent Question!

You could get a massage from a local massage therapist and see if they could take a look at it etc etc. I would call around to your local massage therapists and ask if they could help you with your issue. Just depends on getting the full story and palpate the shoulder to see where things are at.

Good Luck!
No, not massage alone. You'll need to first get your shoulder back in its proper position in the rotator cuff socket. After you've gotten it back in, massage would be good to help soothe your spasms and achey muscles.