Abdominal Surgeon Questions Appendectomy

Can physical therapy help my child's recovery from appendectomy?

I want to find ways to help my daughter recover from her appendectomy at the end of the month. Her doctor thinks that physical therapy might be a good place to start to help her regain strength. Do you think we should consider it? She's 14.

3 Answers

Children are usually very resilient and recover well and heal quickly from “minor “ surgeries. With that said, was her surgery complicated? Was it necessary to do an open procedure? Was she sick long enough to become reconditioned? You and primarily her surgeon knows those clinical details. If her doctor is recommending PT I would follow his advice. Physical therapy can improve scar mobilization, regain abdominal wall integrity and restore strength, and rebuild endurance if it has been impacted as a result of her illness. I hope your daughter heals quickly and well
Usually just normal activity at home is enough. Avoid letting her lay on the sofa or the bed all day. It doesn't seem to make sense, but getting up and doing activities around the house will actually help her recover faster.
PT cannot hurt.