General Practitioner Questions Seborrheic Dermatitis

Can seborrhea dermatitis be treated?

I'm 25 and have been diagnosed with seborrhea dermatitis. It really bothers me. Can it be treated in any way?

5 Answers

Scalp treated with shampoos and solutions. For face, mostly creams. Visit your local dermatologist and discuss your options and diagnosis.
Yes there are medications that can control this very effectively. Many treatments will resolve this completely however this is something that can come reoccur. Often this can be tied to stress as well. So if you have more stress this could make treatment and control more challenging.
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Yes. OTC products such as Nizoral, Head and Shoulders, Selsun Blue, Tgel/Tsal for the scalp or Clotrimazole cream on the face can be effective. If not helpful prescriptions may be required for adequate control.
Of course. See a board certified dermatologist.
Hi there,

Yes! It most definitely can be treated by a medical professional.