How to Get Rid of Dandruff: 15 Easy Natural Home Remedies

Dandruff is a flaky white substance which is found on the scalp. At times, it can be seen on the shoulders of a dress or shirt, which can be quite embarrassing. Dandruff is a highly common phenomenon which most people deal with at some point in their lives. Dandruff is known to occur when there is an over production of dead skin present on the scalp. There are various factors that are attributed to dandruff, such as vitamin deficiencies, use of harsh chemicals that are sometimes present in shampoos or conditioners, and cold weather that causes dry skin.
Dandruff affects more than 50% of the population. It is commonly linked with the production of lipophilic yeast of the malassezia genus. When there is excessive amounts of dead skin flakes being shredded from the scalp, it leads to the occurrence of dandruff. In certain cases, people may also begin to feel itching on the scalp, without any signs of scabbing or redness. This condition is aggravated during the winter and fall seasons due to the dry air.
Dandruff is organized into two different categories. The first category of dandruff occurs due to excessive scalp dryness, while the second is known to occur due to an excessive amount of oil produced on the scalp. Apart from these, the other known causes of dandruff are:
- Lack of proper nutrients included in the diet
- Irregular brushing of hair
- The technique of brushing hair is not proper
- Lack of shampooing
- Using harsh chemicals in the hair
- Stress
- Certain medical conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, Parkinson’s disease, and seborrheic disease.
15 Easy Natural Home Remedies
The following are some natural home remedies that are known to provide relief from dandruff.
1. Increase the intake of fluid: Water is highly important to the overall health of the body. A lack of water can lead to a lot of problems, including dry skin. When the skin is dry, it will lead to the production of dead skin flakes; thus, resulting in dandruff. Ensure that you consume adequate amounts of water daily to help avoid the development of dandruff.
2. Coconut oils: Coconut oil is one of the most commonly used oils for hair and skin problems. It is known to contain the medium-chain fatty acids such as lauric acid and capric acid. Coconut oil is also loaded with antifungal, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. Regular use of coconut oil can lead to drastic improvements in your hair and skin health. Coconut oil can be included, in moderation, as part of your diet. However, ensure that the oil is both unrefined and organic.
3. Aloe vera: Aloe vera is one of the best natural treatments for most skin-related problems. Aloe vera is known to both sooth and heal skin that is inflamed or irritated. It reduces the itching and scaly skin that is present in individuals suffering from seborrheic dermatitis, which is a severe condition that leads to the production of dandruff.
4. Salt: Salt in its form is abrasive. The abrasive nature of table salt makes it a great method of combating dandruff. You can apply salt onto your scalp and scrub it off before shampooing.
5. Aspirin: Aspirin contains an active ingredient known as salicylic acid, which is also found in most medicated shampoos. You can crush two aspirin into a fine powder and add it to your normal shampoo while washing your hair. Leave the mixture on for 1-2 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.
6. Essential oils: Because some essential oils contain antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, much like coconut oil, they can treat infections and reduce inflammation. It is important that the oils used are 100% pure, such as wintergreen, lavender, thyme, evergreen, lemongrass, oregano, and tea tree. Some oils can be taken internally, such as oregano oil, as long as it is 100% pure. Try combining 1 to 2 drops of lemongrass, oregano oil, and lavender with 4 to 6 ounces of water to make a drinkable tonic.
7. Lemon: Lemon is also known to be a good method for getting rid of flaky skin on the scalp. Take two tablespoons of lemon and apply to the scalp using a cotton ball. After applying, thoroughly massage it into the scalp before rinsing your hair out with water (without using shampoo). Now, stir a teaspoon of lemon juice into a cup of water and rinse your hair again with this solution. Repeat this routine daily until you notice that your dandruff is subsiding.
8. Olive oil: Olive oil has gained a lot of popularity in recent years due to the immense health benefits it contains. It is known to temporarily remove white flakes present on the scalp. Apply unrefined organic olive oil onto the white, flaky patches on the scalp. Keep the oil on your scalp for about an hour. Then, with the help of a comb or brush, gently smooth out the hair. Apply olive oil in small quantities only to avoid oily hair. You can also mix other essential oils with the olive oil that is to be applied to the scalp as well.
9. Garlic: Garlic is loaded with antimicrobial properties, which are one of the best remedies for treating dandruff caused by bacteria. The process of using garlic on your hair would be to crush a few cloves of garlic and rub it onto the scalp. Since garlic is known to emit a pungent smell, mix crushed garlic with honey before applying. Keep it in for about 5-10 minutes before washing it off.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is great for killing the fungus that causes dandruff. Combine equal parts apple cider vinegar with water and massage the solution onto the scalp. Let sit for a few minutes before rinsing. Repeat this for 5 to 7 days. If you experience irritation, discontinue use or use every other 7 to 10 days.
11. Baking soda: Baking soda is a great remedy for dandruff. Baking soda removes the excess sebum that is produced by the scalp. It helps cleanse the grease and oil from your hair. Simply add 2 to 3 tablespoons of baking soda into a cup of warm water. Mix the solution well and apply to the scalp. Massage gently and keep the mixture in for around 1 to 2 minutes. Following this, you may shampoo your hair as usual.
12. Keep stress at bay: Often, most skin irritation is caused by certain mental changes such as depression, stress, and anxiety attacks. Implementing stress reduction behaviors, such as going for walks, meditation, yoga, and some massage therapies may help reduce stress and depression; thus, reducing the development of dandruff.
13. Omega 3 rich foods: Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for our overall body growth. One can get omega 3 in their diet through chia sees, flaxseeds, salmon, and other seafood. Omega 3 helps keep the skin constantly hydrated from within, which is why it is considered so effective for dandruff prevention.
14. Probiotic foods: What we consume has a substantial impact on the way our bodies function. Foods that have a negative impact on the body can cause a host of problems, including skin issues. Eating foods rich in probiotics can improve your overall health and reduce the risk of developing dandruff.
15. Tea tree oil: This oil, like coconut oil, is highly useful for treating dandruff. Simply mix a few drops of tea tree oil with shampoo in a bottle. Usually 1 drop of oil for 3ml of shampoo.