Chiropractor Questions OB-GYN

Can you go to a chiropractor while 7 months pregnant?

I am a 32 year old pregnant woman and I am 7 months along. I want to have a chiropractic adjustment for my neck pain. Can you go to a chiropractor while 7 months pregnant?

9 Answers

Better doing it after delivery if nothing urgent
Absolutely. It’s great for you and the baby to get treatment all throughout your pregnancy.
Absolutely. You can be treated on your side. Make sure your chiropractor is comfortable treating pregnant women.
A good chiropracter should know about the diffences in the body when pregnant. Generally there is greater laxity in the joint with pregnancy.
Yes you can but your Chiropractor needs to be trained in taking care of pregnant patients. There are some treatments that are not appropriate for pregnant women
Yes, but I would only have him do muscle energy techniques without thrusting. It is very much like a massage. It will relax the muscles allowing your spine to return to a normal position. 
Yes, it helps with pregnancy pain, and studies have shown that adjustments can decrease labor time
Yes you can. You may also search for a Chiropractor who specializes in treating pregnant women.