Phlebology Questions Spider Veins

Can you prevent spider veins?

I'm 30 years old and in my second trimester of pregnancy. I know that spider veins are common post-partum. Are there ways to prevent them?

6 Answers

No well-established methods to prevent as there us no single exact cause of formation. In pregnancy, you should try prevent formation of large varicosity and blood clotting. Application of compression stockings during daytime Removal and elevation of legs during sleep. Lying on the side then on the back soaking of legs in a bucket of very warm water 15 minutes adding apsum salt to the water before going to bed etc will help.
Compression stockings can help to decrease venous hypertension in legs while pregnant
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Yes. Please use prescription grade(0-30 mm Hg) compression stockings, exercise/walk daily, and keep legs elevated when at rest.
No. Sorry.
Hello. There is no guarantee to prevent spider and varicose veins but there are some things you can do to lessen their development. This includes elevating your legs when sitting and lying, wearing compression socks daily all day, exercise, weight loss.
Rarely are they truly preventable. However you can reduce the risk of venous problems by wearing support stockings, a pantyhose type made specifically for pregnancy, and then afterwards knee-high support stockings.