Dentist Questions Dentist

Can you wear a retainer with an implant?

I am a 25 year old female. I want to know if I can wear a retainer with an implant?

7 Answers

Yes you can wear your retainer with an implant. Your retainer may need to be adjusted after the implant is placed to fit problem. See your dental provider.
I do not see why not
Yes, you can, as long as it is not causing any untoward forces on the implant tooth.
Take care and stay healthy.
Yes. Needs to be a passively fit custom one.
Absolutely. Implants will not move even with orthodontic treatment. Retaining them in place with a clear plastic retainer is safe. You want to avoid lateral and excursion forces on implants, so special consideration/precautions have to be used if trying to orthodontically move other natural teeth.
As in all orthodontic treatment, the patient is required to wear a retainer, but this should not impact dental implants. The purpose of the retainer is to keep teeth in their new position so wearing it is critical to the completion of orthodontic treatment.