“What could be the cause of my hazy vision?”
Lately I have been having hazy vision particularly in the mornings. What could be the reason? I am 26 and otherwise healthy as far as I'm aware. I do have an astigmatism in my right eye.
8 Answers
Hazy vision can result from the eyes adjusting in the morning after sleeping, dry eyes, and uncorrected prescription.
Could be eyestrain or dryness. Try using a gel tear drop like systane gel drop or refresh liquigel 1 drop each eye at bedtime to see if that helps.
This can be a sign of blood sugar issues, infection, or corneal disease. It could be just normal fatigue or uncorrected farsightedness. Get a full check up and find out.
There are a number of things that could cause hazy vision. Based on the fact that it is more prominent in the morning, it is likely related to your eyes being dry. Allergies can cause this also, but would likely persist throughout the day. Cataracts can also cause visual symptoms that you are describing also, but your symptoms would persist throughout the day as well. Also, this would be a highly unlikely diagnosis based upon your age alone.
Dr. David Johnson
Dr. David Johnson
Refractive error or some problem in the lens. Get your blood sugar and blood pressure checked also. Get a full dilated eye exam.
Philip Michael Taunton
You need to have a complete eye exam to make sure all is well with your eyes.