Chiropractor Questions Migraine

Can a chiropractor help with migraines?

I frequently get migraines, and they usually come out of nowhere. Can a chiropractor help with this? Medication will help to ease the pain, but does not help how frequent and sudden they are.

23 Answers

As a chiropractor who specializes in correcting migraine headaches by addressing dural tension with the tonal model of chiropractic, I can offer a comprehensive approach to help manage your migraines and associated neck pain. In addition to gentle chiropractic adjustments, there are other potential therapies that may be beneficial in your case, such as acupuncture, red light therapy, and nutritional support.

Acupuncture is an ancient practice that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. It has been recognized as a potential treatment option for migraines and has shown promising results in reducing the frequency and intensity of migraine episodes. By targeting specific acupuncture points, we aim to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and rebalance the body's energy flow, potentially providing relief from migraines and associated symptoms.

Red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation therapy, utilizes low-level laser or LED light to stimulate cellular function and reduce inflammation. It has shown promise in managing various types of pain, including migraines. By applying red light to the affected areas, we aim to enhance tissue healing, reduce pain, and potentially alleviate migraine symptoms.

In addition to these therapies, optimizing your nutrition can play a significant role in managing migraines. Certain dietary factors, such as dehydration, food sensitivities, and nutrient deficiencies, can trigger or exacerbate migraines. As part of your treatment plan, I would assess your nutritional status and provide guidance on potential dietary modifications. This may involve identifying and avoiding trigger foods, ensuring proper hydration, and incorporating foods rich in magnesium, riboflavin, and other migraine-fighting nutrients.

By combining chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, red light therapy, and nutritional support, we aim to address the underlying factors contributing to your migraines and provide a holistic approach to manage your symptoms. It's important to remember that each individual is unique, and the effectiveness of these therapies may vary. We will work closely together to monitor your progress, make adjustments to the treatment plan as needed, and support your journey to migraine relief and improved quality of life.
A good chiropractor will take a thorough history and perform a comprehensive examination to determine the underlying causes and triggers of your headaches. Only then can good recommendations for treatment be suggested. There are some dietary supplements that may help, too--so consider that when you are speaking with your chiropractor.
Yes seeking chiropractic care with proper nutritional supplementation and diet change eliminates migraine.
Yes, Chiropractic can help to decrease migraine intensity and frequency.
Definitely. Used to have them myself until I sought chiropractic treatment. No migraines for 40+ years.
Yes chiropractic is a great way to solve migraines. I recommend a chiropractor who utilizes cranial therapy.
I have very successfully treated patients for migraines for many years. There have been a few extremely difficult cases but for most migraine sufferers we were able to get to the cause of their condition.
Yes! Chiropractic can help, especially when the motion (or lack thereof) in the neck is related. A good chiropractic physician will also address other common migraine triggers such as food sensitivity and stress levels to help find the root cause of migraines to decrease the frequency and severity. Hope you find relief soon!
Definitely. Chiropractic treatment is a very good therapy for migraines. It decreases the severity of the headache and the frequency. Most patients after 3 treatments have fewer episodes.
Yes various types of headaches are caused by cervical joint dysfunction And postural distortion from muscle imbalance

A mechanical cause requires a mechanical correction
This is a great question. Many of these intense headaches are caused by cervical vertebral mal-alignment, and pinched nerves; when these are determined and and fixed, the migraine disappears. Throw your medicine away, and replace it with a progressive corrective spinal treatment, designed to eliminate the cause of the headache.
A chiropractic evaluation could determine if the migraines are caused by spinal fixations affecting the nerves that transmit pain in the head, so I would encourage you to get a chiropractic evaluation !
Most practitioners engage in moving, stretching and manipulating the spine to make “adjustments.” Most of the research on chiropractic focuses on spinal manipulation and its benefits for back pain, neck pain, headaches, and joint conditions, although some researchers have studied the use of chiropractic with migraine.
The short answer is yes. There are many causes for migraines. The best way to see if they can is to go and see one.
Chiropractic can help with alleviating headaches. However, if there are specific triggers for your migraines, your Chiropractor may have to advise you on how to manage them for more effective results.
Yes, depending on the type
Chiropractic has a very good track record with helping with migraines. That, combined with changes in nutrition, has a very good outcome for many people.
Very often times, headaches (migraines) are the result of a misalignment at the very top of your neck (the cervical region of the spine). There are 7 bones in the neck (cervical spine), C1 through C7. The very top bone C1 is also known as "Atlas," because in greek mythology, Atlas held up the world. And, in essence, Atlas is holding up your world (your skull), which houses the brain, which controls and coordinates every function of your body via the central nervous system! A mis-alignment at this level of the spine can come from something as simple as sleeping on your stomach, which requires that you keep your head in a twisted position for hours at a time just so that you are able to breathe!
A chiropractor is a doctor that has the information to perform and determine the cause of a migraine and the appropriate treatment for it. Many causes are possible. It can be from your cervical spine, food intolerances, digestion, etc. So, be confident to seek a chiropractor.

Dre Geneviève Gagné, chiropraticienne, DC

I would suggest you look for a chiropractor that specializes in neurology. You can do a provider search at
Migraines are the third most frequent cause for people seeking chiropractic care. Chiropractics has been studied and research reveals favorable results. Adjustments help blood vessels, muscles, fascia, and nervous system to function at a higher level. This will help naturally to diminish the frequency and intensity of the migraines.
Medication lessens pain, but doesn't correct the cause of the migraine. 80% (roughly) of migraines or headaches are cervicogenic, meaning they're caused in the cervical spine. YES, a chiropractor treats migraine and headache patients regularly and have amazing positive results.

Hope I helped. Got your back!

Dr. Todd Gewant