“How are you cleared for surgery in a blood clot risk assessment?”
Bringing it back to the consultation. I informed my doctor of all of the history and tests and results and he informed me that I could be at risk of blood clots and it would not be a good idea to perform the surgery if I wasn't cleared by a hematologist. He said she or he would have to say that I wasn't at any higher risk than the regular population to be able to this surgery or any other surgeries.
Does this seem accurate? I feel like the fact that I am active, healthy, never have had a blood clot scare. Have been tested numerous times and my grandmother had one episode that I believe could've been a result of her smoking. I'm just not sure why I would be denied. Wondering what the opinion of a professional on here would be?
Thank you
Female | 34 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Conditions: None