General Practitioner Questions Bloating

Bloated and humidity? Is there a connection?

I have been feeling bloated and gassy lately. I'm not sure why. I haven't been eating fatty foods or meats. I usually eat pretty light. It's also humid outside currently. Could this bloated feeling be related to that?

4 Answers

Possibly bit of gastro oesophageal reflux or reaction to environmental issue affecting lower throat area
No, humidity does not cause bloating. Bloating, especially after eating, is often caused by carbohydrate malabsorption. Reducing carbs in the diet usually helps. Try the low FODMAP diet. Sometimes, constipation contributes to bloating as well.
Need to know if you have any pre existing medical conditions. If your symptoms resolve when you’re indoors with air conditioning, then they may be related.
There is no logical connection between ambient humidity and a gaseous intestine. Try fasting for a couple days and see if that does not solve the issue. When you start eating again, start with bland foods like oat soup. Add your usual staples little by little and when that bloated feeling appears again, you will know what the culprit is.