“Is there a connection between lack of sleep and constipation?”
Every night when I am unable to sleep well, I end up with constipation the next day. Is it normal?
4 Answers
Sleep is an important factor in your health, and lack of sleep can cause a number of disturbances to our health and routine.
There have been studies that link lack of sleep from shift work and constipation that is probably due to no time to use the bathroom!. I wonder if in your case the constipation did not let you sleep... chicken or the egg?
Irritable bowel syndrome is more common in patients with insomnia. So is heartburn and indigestion. Both insomnia and digestive problems are extremely common and there really isn't much data to support a mechanistic link between insomnia and constipation. Anxiety, however, is known to cause both. Medications can also do this. Treat the constipation as you always would with a healthy diet, fiber, and stool softener if necessary.