Family Medicine Questions Constipation

What should I do if my child refuses to use the toilet?

We're still training my son to use the toilet. He's fine peeing, that's not our issue. It's the pooping that's the issue, and he holds it in and makes himself constipated. We don't know what to do, since it's almost like he scared to actually go to the bathroom when he needs to. What do you think we should do?

2 Answers

He probably had a painful poop along the way and now associates pooping with pain. Regular stool softeners like miralax will help.
He may need a daily laxative like 1/2 cap of miralax in juice so he is not straining to go. Do little steps rewarding each time. First leave pullup on and reward him for doing inside the bathroom. Then reward for sitting on toilet with pullup on. Then reward if he goes in potty. Do not fuss if he does not go in toilet or soils pants. Make sure he has mastered each step before pressing on. A high fiber diet also makes stools easier to pass.
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