“How are crossed eyes treated?”
My friend's son has crossed eyes. How can this be corrected? Is there a non surgical way to correct it?
8 Answers
Sometimes crossed eyes can be improved with glasses, if that doesn't help surgery is an option see an Ophthalmologist.
Depending on the cause of the "crossed eye", eye drops, glasses, contact lenses or surgery are all options that may be appropriate.
Eyes can be crossed for many reasons. Sometimes the eyes are crossed and that is the primary problem. Sometimes they can cross due to other problems going in with the eye or sometime the brain. The reason the eyes are crossing makes a huge difference on how it is best treated. Some types of crossing can be treated best surgically. Some types of crossing will not benefit at all from surgery. Some can resolve with spectacle wear and others cannot. Some can improve with patching, others can improve with exercises. I hate to be vague, but you can see that treatment for crossed eyes is very diverse and depends are examination findings and history which provides clue as to the cause.
Amjad Khokhar, M.D., F.A.A.O.
Amjad Khokhar, M.D., F.A.A.O.
This is treated by looking for uncorrected refractive error and amblyopia, likely underlying neurologic conditions, and then considering surgical options.
If the child has at least 2 units of farsightedness, then glasses might straighten his eyes. If not helped with glasses, he will need surgery on the muscles of his eye. Sometimes, we have used Botox injections into the extraocular muscles to obtain straight eyes. However, glasses and surgery are the main forms of treatment.
There are many different causes of “eye turns.” Depending on the cause, age, and degree sometimes a surgical intervention is appropriate. I recommend seeing a pediatric ophthalmologist for evaluation and management.
There are many different causes of “eye turns.” Depending on the cause, age, and degree sometimes a surgical intervention is appropriate. I recommend seeing a pediatric ophthalmologist for evaluation and management.