“The crown over my molar cracked. What should I do?”
The crown over my molar has recently cracked and I don't know what I should do. I'm in so much pain. Is there anything that I can do ease it?
16 Answers
If you are in pain, make an appointment ASAP to see a dentist to see what is causing the pain. The nerve of the tooth may be infected or injured.
Best is to seek a care of a dentist to see if crack is superficial enough to be able to save the tooth. Clinical evaluation by a dentist is a first step to then seek all options on how best to help save the tooth.
Something is wrong with the tooth under the crown most likely if you are in that much pain. It needs an X-ray and exam to establish a diagnosis and then the options are known to proper treatment.
In this scenario you should stay on softer foods and away from that area as much as possible. Take some anti inflammatory medications like Advils, Motrin etc and should have a new crown done ASAP.
Your best bet is to see a dentist ASAP. The crack may allow an infection to take place. Also, the broken parts may move and create pain. There is no good way to stabilize a cracked tooth outside of a dental office. The tooth may not be repairable. Get it checked!
Be seen by a dentist ASAP, have an X-Ray taken and proceed with the emergency if the tooth is restorable or not to Tx. Plan.
I am so sorry that you are in pain. Unfortunately the stuff that you can get at a pharmacy will not really help for broken crowns. Try and see a dentist as soon as possible and they will be able to help you with your options. Pain is your body telling you something is wrong and needs fixing quickly.
Call your dentist and schedule your appointment ASAP. Have your dentist to take a look at it and treatment plan for a new crown if is still restorable.
Go back to your dentist at once. Make sure the "bite" is correct and the preparation of the tooth was done properly.
If it is fractured thru the root, the tooth cannot be saved. If it is fractured into the nerve, it will need a root canal and a crown. it could simply need a filling depending on how deep the fracture is.
The first thing to do is seek out a dentist for an emergency assessment, as the pain you describe could be coming from a few different sources. The crack may be limited to your crown, or it may extend deeper into the tooth. Depending on the doctor's exam findings, they will work with you to determine the quickest way to get you out of pain, and then (once you're comfortable) restore your teeth to working function.
Usually, a damaged crown needs to be replaced. Crown repairs are not predictable and are fraught with problems.
Joseph B. Breitman, D.M.D., M.S., F.A.C.P.
Usually, a damaged crown needs to be replaced. Crown repairs are not predictable and are fraught with problems.
Joseph B. Breitman, D.M.D., M.S., F.A.C.P.
For a cracked crown, you must see your dentist ASAP, especially if you do have pain and discomfort. Avoid biting or drinking hot and cold things. Over-the-counter analgesic can help, or if the tooth did not have a root canal on it, place wax around the periphery of the crown.